Thursday, 23 April 2009

Middle Marches in Past, Present, Myth and Future

In northern Europe, particularly Austria, Germany, the British Isles and Scandinavia, the Middle Marches have long had a place in mythology and history. Places sane folk fear to tread - lands unlike the safe and predictable familiar world. Lands of lawless bandits, rogues and robbers, witches and ghouls and always of the roads the faerie walk.

Middle Marches in History

Here in the British Isles, the Middle Marches seem to have first been noted by the Romans, though they had long lived in the folk myths of the islanders themselves... read more >

Middle Marches in Mythology

Long before they were recorded in our histories, the Middle Marches have had pride of place in the myths of Europe... read more >

Middle Marches in the Modern World

Even in our modern world, though we try to ignore the Middle Marches, we still carry a heavy load of superstition and irrational fear.. read more >

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